Strategic Security Ambassador Initiative

Strategic Security Ambassador

As Risk Group’s Security Risk Reporting initiative matures, we are starting to hear more and more people from across nations ask: how can they help, how can they get involved. 

  • So, how does Risk Group go beyond Research, Review, Rating, and Reporting of Strategic Security Risks?
  • How does Risk Group develop a Culture of Security? 
  • How does Risk Group work towards Global Peace?

We believe that the Strategic Security Ambassador Program we will be launching soon will help us create a vibrant community of Strategic Security Ambassadors.  This is an initiative where anyone: any individual or entity across nations: its government, industries, organizations and academia (NGIOA) volunteer 2 hours a month to help communicate Risk Roundup dialogue by organizing watching/listening one episode of Risk Roundup a month and by having a follow up discussion on the selected Risk Roundup episode. 

This will help Risk Group scale the Strategic Security Initiative by having Strategic Security Ambassadors across nations who will work towards Global Peace. These Strategic Security Ambassadors will understand the security challenges facing their nations and cultures at the local level. As a result, they will be far more effective at engaging and reaching their community to discuss strategic security risks then Risk Group would ever be on its own. 

We at Risk Group believe that Risk Management, Security and Peace walk together hand in hand. Though Security is related to the management of threats and peace to the management of conflict, Risk Management is related to the management of Security vulnerabilities as well as management of conflict, and it is not possible to conceive any one of the three without the existence of the other two. All three concepts feed into each other.

We believe that the security we build for ourselves is precarious and uncertain until it is secured for everyone across nations. Tradition becomes our Security-so if we build a culture of managing risks effectively it will lead us to Security and Security will lead us to Peace.

Strategic Security Ambassador Initiative will be Risk Group’s global security communications network that will be working towards Future of Humanity.  Our Strategic Security Ambassadors will not only push out Risk Roundup dialogue that is critical to Risk Group’s mission, but they will also collect relevant security risks information and sending it back to Risk Group to be added to the Collective Strategic Security Information database.  Information such as what are the dual use technology risks, and other strategic  security risks Risk Group Ambassadors are seeing in their nation will help Risk Group understand collective Strategic Security Risks facing all nations.

Strategic Security Ambassadors will help Risk Group develop a global network of motivated and responsible citizens to build a culture of Security that will lead us to Peace.  We are optimistic that our Strategic Security Ambassadors will be a powerful force to effectively go beyond discussions and begin changing culture. For all your efforts, Risk Group will recognize you. Contact Risk Group to become a Strategic Security Ambassador!
