Defining a New Security Centric Operating System For the Future of Humanity

A Collective Strategic Security Risk Analytics Platform

Risk Group’s focus is on defining the security centric operating system for the Future of Humanity. The development of Strategic Security Risk Analytics Platform is to enable a collective efforts towards shaping the future. 

Membership Benefits

  1. Increased Visibility
  2. Access to Strategic Security Thought Leadership Incubator
  3. Ability to provide input in Mapping Security Risks
  4. Opportunity to be considered for future Risk Group Councils (advisory, investment, innovation)
  5. Access to Growing Risk Group Community

Support Risk Group Centers: Cognitive Center | COVID-19 Center | Cybersecurity Center | Geopolitics Center | Surveillance Center | Quantum Center | Nanotechnology Center | Genomic Center |
EMF Center |

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Become a Risk Group Member and add your voice to Risk Groups. Show your commitment to our Collective future.

Risk Group members will benefit from the strategic security risk analytics platform, the growing thought leadership, credibility, influence, reach, and targeted focus to solve complex security problems facing humanity.

  • Members can also contribute to Risk Group publications and work with Risk Group to develop focused strategic security risk content that will be distributed through all Risk Group channels and platforms.
  • Members will have the satisfaction of supporting a Collective Strategic Security Risk Analytics Platform that is working towards protecting the future of humanity.
  • Members will also be able to publish thought leadership on Risk Group Publishing Platform relevant to their initiatives, while still tied to the core Risk Group mission.
  • Members support of Research, Review, Rating and Reporting of Strategic Security Risks will lead towards defining the New Security-Centric Operating System for Humanity

Become a Risk Group member and add your voice to Risk Groups. Show your commitment to our Collective future. 

Individual membership is free to everyone. For corporate membership to country membership please contact Risk Group to discuss membership levels.

Here’s a sample of Risk Group’s Thought Leadership and Risk Roundup dialogues:

What Risk Group Community Is Saying

Dr. Pandya, Thanks to you, Risk Group became a powerful voice that raises the awareness of influential circles about major risks for the future of Humanity.
Lubomir Todorov
Founder of the Universal Future Global Strategy
Dr. Pandya, Thank you. By the way, the interview I did with you in 2019 was the most interesting and in-depth discussion I've had with anyone in the media about my research, as far as I can remember.
Jamie Feusner, M.D.
Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences
The Risk Group is doing valuable service for the Nation by popularizing the concept of cyber risk awareness to the public at large.
Prof. Dan Shoemaker
Risk Group’s unique approach provides value in Integrated Security-centric Risk Management model and approach which will help nations withstand extreme global changes provide a sustainable environment for inner drive, investment and innovation.
Limor Elbaz

New Ways To Stay Informed And Get Inspired For Actions

Through the Risk Roundup initiative, Risk Group is on a mission to talk with a billion people: innovators, scientists, entrepreneurs, futurists, technologists, policymakers, to decision-makers. The reason behind this effort through the Risk Roundup initiative is to research, review, rate, and report strategic security risks facing humanity. This collective intelligence effort is essential to understand where we need to focus for our collective security. And what destructive forces we need to be mindful about.

Risk Roundup is released in both audio (Podcast) and video (Webcast) format. It is available for subscription at (Risk Group WebsiteiTunesGoogle PlayStitcher RadioAndroid, and Risk Group Professional Social Media).


Focus on Emerging Technologies

Support Risk Group Centers: Cognitive Center | COVID-19 Center | Cybersecurity Center | Geopolitics Center | Surveillance Center | Quantum Center | Nanotechnology Center | Genomic Center | EMF Center |

Your support will help Risk Group work towards Research, Review, Rating and Reporting of Strategic Security Risk Facing the Future of Humanity.

Risk Group Is A Vendor Neutral Firm

Risk Group does not accept sales and marketing material or any advertisement on the Risk Group platform. We reserve the right to request modification of certain member content to preserve relevance, neutrality and objectivity of the content and avoid sales-oriented material.

For the Future of Humanity

Your Membership Matters

Contact Risk Group To Discuss Membership Level That Fits Your Needs.​
